Tourism Chamber says counter-migration moves affecting sector

The implementation of immigration measures recently announced by Panamanian authorities to counteract the migration crisis has been criticized ed by Panama’s Chamber of Tourism.
The National Immigration Authority says that the issue of economic solvency had been misinterpreted and that this would not affect investors, executives, hikers, or tourists.
Ovidio Díaz, president of the Chamber of Tourism of Panama, told TVN, that although they recognize and understand the technical part, they are concerned about the way they made the announcement.
“We met with the director of the Migration Authority Samira Gozaine, accompanied by the person in charge of the administrator of the Tourism Authority, Denise Guillén, and asked that sensitive issues like these be notified to us before, to try to advise them and that “Don’t cause us the damage that continues to be done,” said the businessman.
Díaz said he has had information that inspections have been carried out on Colombian citizens at the airport “that are being turned back.”
“What is not right is the way it was done, because it definitely affected the tourist flow and will continue to affect it and what we cannot allow is for these kinds of mistakes to be made,” he added.
He spoke about a request made to,President Cortizo, to include the administrator of the Tourism Authority in the meetings of the of Cabinet, to represent the sector when this type of issue was being discussed and communication flows.
Díaz stated that they will analyze requesting the authorities of the National Immigration Service and the National Security Council not to apply the measures at the airports.
“What we cannot allow is that once they arrive in Tocumen, a person who comes on business or as a tourist experiences these inconveniences,” he stressed.
He pointed out that they have information from the unions that belong to the chamber that there have been trip cancellations.
María Isabel Sarabia, deputy director of the National Immigration Service said “The results to date have shown that the measures are not affecting tourism, those people, those who come to Panama for an established period of time and enjoy the beauty of the country.”
They consider that operations such as the one carried out a few days ago where a clandestine prostitution network was dismantled are proof that there are other people who, under the guise of tourists, enter to carry out illegal, irregular activities that do put the health of those at risk. Panamanians.”
Regarding the implementation of the 90-day adjustment and economic solvency for certain people, Sarabia highlighted that since 2008, economic solvency must be consistent with the stay, in this sense it is outlined in a more rigorous way.
The rule not only indicates that you have financial solvency, but that you can pass an interview, verify that you have credit card or other solvency, and demonstrate that you will not be a burden on the country.
On September 8, Panama announced operational actions regarding the migration crisis
Among the measures: The reinforcement of irregular deportations and expulsions at the national level through the hiring of charter flights y authorized by President Cortizo and the Minister of Security.
The tourism permit was reduced from 90 days to 15 days, after which a fine must be paid, clarifying that ” it is not for all people, nor nationalities, but according to profiles .”
The requirement for financial solvency at formal checkpoints was increased to $1,000 from $500, depending on the profile presented in the interviews, to guarantee that enter have sufficient solvency to contribute to the economy of the country.