Immunizing politicians with judicial problems

The deputies continue to test citizen patience, presenting legislative initiatives that seek to modify the electoral landscape, in order to adjust it to their exact size, because their chances of re-election are a hill that they will hardly be able to climb. So much so, that the Government is preparing to approve a budget for 2024 far from all reality, because what it intends is to put the country in debt – allocating large funds to attract votes – and, in this way, keep its parasites draining money from the state coffers. They seek public money, they want to legalize inadmissible and inappropriate electoral practices and immunize politicians who are in serious judicial trouble. Impudence has replaced decency and now we can see without veils or concealments their true intentions, fueled by basic and unhealthy instincts. The means or appearances do not matter, power is the only thing that interests them and if to achieve it they have to destroy the country, they do not hesitate to do so, as we have already seen. Never in the history of this country has corruption been so open or excessive. We citizens are about to lose our democracy, at the hands of a bagged gang. – LA PRENSA, Sep. 24.