Terrain complexity hampers retrieval of helicopter crash victims


The complexity of the terrain and the varying climate complicates the work of recovering the bodies of the agents of the National Aeronaval Service, who died after the helicopter in which they were traveling crashed last Sunday. The third crew member of the helicopter has also not been located.

Major Jorge Martínez, from the Aeronaval Operations Directorate, of the National Aeronaval Service (Senan), said the task has become quite difficult and the logistical and transportation support has been by air.

“The only way we have been able to enter has been by air and the time the weather allows it, in addition, the units that we have been able to transport once there take a long time to move through the dense and thick vegetation, leafy trees, and thick roots”, added Major Martínez.

It is difficult to get around in the accident area. It took the rescuers about five hours to travel one kilometer. In open trail areas the time is reduced slightly to about three hours per kilometer.

To descend to the impact site, the rescuers needed to perform anchoring maneuvers with pulleys.

Martínez indicated that this Wednesday, one of the bodies could be moved, but as a result of the complications of the terrain they only managed to place it in a place where they could lift it and accommodate it so that it could be transferred on Thursday.

The area where the accident occurred is located between the border of the province of Coclé and Veraguas and most of the day it remains cloudy, with winds and rain, and the terrain is muddy.