Former financial  boss jail time converted to house arrest with bracelet


Luis Cucalon,the former head of the General Directorate of Income (DGI),  will be under house arrest and must wear an electronic bracelet ordered by the compliance judge of the first judicial circuit of Panama, Roberto Sánchez, who agreed to a  request by the defense of the former Panamanian official.

Cucalón was sentenced to 96 months in prison for embezzlement and corruption of public servants to the detriment of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).

In making the decision, Judge Robert Sánchez took into account that Cucalón is 70 years old and suffers from several chronic diseases certified by the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, the Judicial Branch reported.

Cucalón had returned to prison after the Judicial Investigation Directorate (DIJ) of the National Police executed his capture. This action occurred after the Superior Court of Appeals −during a hearing held on May 16− confirmed an opinion by Judge Sánchez, who revoked the probation measure that had been granted.

The First Criminal Circuit Court of Panama ordered the sentence of imprisonment for Cucalón, on September 14, 2018.