OPINION: The worthless apologies of Martinelli brothers

As expected, the trick worked. The alternate deputies who pleaded guilty to conspiring to launder money in the United States and who, to obtain leniency from the judge in the case, said they felt sorry and asked the Panamanian people for forgiveness, escaped the Blue Apple trial, and now their case will be prosecuted by the Supreme Court. It is a strange rogue, considering that the father does not stop complaining in networks of alleged manipulations and biases by magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice. In conclusion, substitutes for Parlacen deputies will have their privileges. Now we know how much their apologies, words, and promises are worth and, at the same time, he puts us, voters, to the test, since at least one of them claims to be an official by popular vote. If neither of them has the gallantry to face ordinary justice, can anyone believe in their repentance? Or is it that we voters are steps so that people like these – or their fathers – can rise to power to mock justice and show us that they are untouchable? We will have to decide that at the ballot box when we have to elect rulers in 2024- LA PRENSA, Aug. 23.