The fake repentance of corrupt sons

After their conviction in the United States (EU) and the hypocritical declarations of repentance, which included words of forgiveness for the Panamanian people, now the sons of the former president designated corrupt by the US will run to be sworn in as Parlacen deputies, and all to obtain immunity facing the judicial processes that they currently face. There was never such repentance, because if there were, they would be willing to face justice and, if convicted, willing to pay for what they called in the US mistakes. And, contrary to what they say, they not only seek to please their father but also seek to imitate his cowardly behavior, evading justice with false allegations of political persecution. There was nothing true in his words, they were only said to obtain mercy from the American justice system. They will follow in the footsteps of their father, who has been the worst example for the youth and for Panamanian society. But we couldn’t expect anything else from them. We hope that justice will reach them wherever they go to face their cases, because only then can they reconcile with the Panamanian people because what they are doing now is putting more distance: no one will forgive them for acts like these, which imply conduct totally removed from that of a gentleman. – LA PRENSA, Aug. 11.