Prisoners transferred  after party at Colón prison went viral


A group of prisoners have been transferred from the Nueva Esperanza prison, in the province of Colón to other jails after videos circulated on social media of a party with a flare pistol, alcoholic beverages, and even an exclusive table for food. The videos of the celebration −were recorded from the cell phones owned by inmates.

At the birthday party for one of the inmates described as a “capo”− sweets, the decoration (with lights included) and sound equipment can be seen.

As a result of this celebration, the General Directorate of the Penitentiary System (DGSP) announced on Friday,  the decision to transfer a group of inmates to other prisons. This was a disciplinary measure after they “violated the regulations and rules of coexistence” in the Nueva Esperanza prison.

The DGSP, under the responsibility of Euclides Castillo, also detailed that the Inspectorate Department opened an internal investigation to establish responsibilities “in the case of finding officials involved.”

 The investigations will continue to identify other inmates who participated in the activity to proceed with the sanctions and transfers to be determined.

The Nueva Esperanza Penitentiary Complex, located in the township of Cristóbal, began operations in June 1996 and currently, houses 2,400 men and 97 women.

Check this video: