Consumer Protection officials arrested in bribery scam

Three officials of the Authority for the Protection of Consumers (Acodeco) were captured after they were carrying out “supposed” verification operations in a mini-supermarket in the town on Saturday and after hours, with the intention of receiving ” bribes”.

The event occurred in a convenience store, located in the Cerro Silvestre district, Arraiján district, when the three officials, coming from the capital city, carried out an operation illegally, because they did not comply with the established procedure of the institution, requesting cash to the store clerk in exchange for not placing a fine for the lack of a price control sign.

The officials were apprehended by units of the National Police at the height of the Nuevo Arraiján residential area aboard a sedan-type car. At the time of being searched, they had in their possession the sum of $540  in cash.

According to the investigations carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office, these people had already visited other commercial premises as part of a false operation.

In addition to the three Acodeco officials, a woman from the Agricultural Development Bank (BDA) was also apprehended. The four were charged with the crimes of corruption of public servants and inviolability of domicile.

After the event, the institution issued a statement strongly condemning the acts of the officials.

Acodeco strongly rejects and condemns any act that violates ethics and legality in the exercise of its functions. Our commitment is to ensure the protection of consumer rights and promote fair competition in the market, always within the framework of established law”.

 “We take this situation very seriously and fully collaborate with the authorities, in the corresponding investigations. Acodeco will remain vigilant to guarantee that all the procedures and actions of its officials are carried out in accordance with the principles of transparency, legality, and respect”.

“We apologize to the community for this incident and we reaffirm our commitment to strengthen integrity and trust in our institution. This isolated conduct does not represent the daily behavior of the Acodeco official”.

Meanwhile, the officials remained under the orders of the competent authorities, while the institution added that they are attentive to the results of the investigation and will keep the community informed about the measures adopted.