UK legislators approve report that Boris Johnson lied to Parliament


British MPs including many of his former colleagues  voted Monday, June 19 by 354 votes to seven to approve a report, after five hours of debate on its findings that  former Prime Minister Boris Johnson deliberately misled the House of Commons over parties in Downing Street during covid lockdown labeled “Partygate”

Many Tory MPs chose to stay away from Parliament  which means no vote was recorded for them.

Questions have been raised over the whereabouts of current PM Rishi Sunak, who earlier said he had other commitments and was absent during the debate. He has declined to express an opinion on the report’s findings so far reports the BBC. A full vote was called after Labour objected to adopting the report unanimously, forcing MPs to put their position on the record.

Johnson has already resigned as an MP. There’ll be a by-election on 20 July in his north-west London constituency, Uxbridge, and South Ruislip.

But one material sanction against Johnson that MPs endorsed is to deny him a parliamentary access pass, given to former MPs to allow them unlimited access to Parliament.