Bolsonaro apologizes for misleading covid statement


Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has apologized for his earlier erroneous statement that RNA-based COVID-19 vaccines contained graphene, a substance, which, if taken, can accumulate in testes and ovaries.

The far-right politician made the statement at an event of the Liberal Party together with his former Minister of Science and Technology Marcos Pontes, EFE news agency reported on Sunday.

Bolsonaro says that he read that the particles of graphene can be found in the vaccines in brochures, according to the report.

His apologies come shortly before his trial for abuse of political power, and misinformation about the election, including his condemnation of electronic voting, which could trigger the eight-year political disqualification of the former president.

Bolsonaro is known for his skeptical attitude towards COVID-19, which he dismissed as a mere flu.

He refused to wear a mask at public events and criticized the restrictions the country’s states were introducing to combat the spread of the disease.

The former president is also suspected of falsifying his COVID-19 vaccination card as well as his family members and advisers.