Monopolizing Panama’s heritage


In the months preceding the departure of the current government, a wave of requests has been unleashed to divide up what remains of the country, including its seas and coasts. Sand concessions in Portobelo –which from now on are seen as disastrous for the marine and terrestrial environment–, quarries in Chiriquí, and mining operations in Azuero and Colón. Everything is in front of our noses, but since the distribution of the country is already part of the daily landscape, it goes unnoticed, except for a few voices that warn of the consequences in isolation. These concessions will possibly remain in the hands of businessmen close to the government, such as the quarry in Chiriquí, the mine in Cerro Quema or the sand concessions in Colón, whose true applicants are unknown, which makes all of this more suspicious. How long will we put up with a few monopolizing the heritage of all of us in exchange for crumbs? The State receives pennies and the beneficiaries millions of dollars. Panama needs deep reforms to achieve a balance, in which resources are better distributed, and not this imbalance in which the least favored will continue to be victims of this infinite spiral of injustices. – LA PRENSA, Jun. 17.