Army searches for lost sniffer dog used in jungle rescue


BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA – Following the astonishing rescue of four indigenous children who wandered in the Colombian jungle for 40 days, the Army announced Saturday that it is continuing the search for Wilson, a sniffer dog that participated in the feat and is now lost in the thick vegetation.

“The search is not over. Our principle: we leave no one behind,” the institution said on its Twitter account.

“Soldiers continue operation to find Wilson,” added the tweet, accompanied by photos of the six-year-old Belgian Malinois.

The dog got lost in the Amazon jungle in the south of the country while tracking the four indigenous children aged 13, 9, 5, and one who survived the plane crash on May 1 and were located on Friday.

Wilson was key in the search operations, as he found Cristin’s bottle in the middle of the vegetation, the youngest who turned one year old during the journey through a habitat where jaguars, pumas, snakes, and other predators roam.

The minors, weak but alive, were transferred to Bogotá, where they are hospitalized.

Astrid Cáceres, director of the state entity that watches over children’s rights, said on Saturday that the minors indicated that they had met a dog in the jungle, without specifying if it was Wilson.

Lesly, 13 years old and the eldest of the siblings, “told us about the puppy,” the official told the press.

The two younger brothers turned 5 and 1 during their journey through the jungle.
