Pharmacy technicians protest understaffing


Pharmacy technicians from the Rafael Hernández de David Regional Hospital protested Thursday morning asking the directors of the entity to expedite the appointment of more personnel, to reduce the workload that they have been covering for more than 20 months and which could cause depletion errors.

Pharmacy technicians assure that many of them have not been able to enjoy vacations for years and maintain a workload of up to two shifts per day, a situation that is deteriorating their physical and emotional health that could even trigger human errors due to fatigue. In addition, they pointed out that this is a long-standing issue and that they have repeatedly raised their concerns with the authorities of the Social Security Fund at the regional and national level, however, few responses have been given.

They stressed that what they least want is to take stronger pressure measures such as the suspension of services because it would be harming the care of patients and insured who daily go to the hospital in search of their medications.

They called on the authorities to find a solution to the requests they make.