Operation to combat criminal gangs who prey on migrants


A contingent of 1,200 agents from the National Border Service (Senanfront), the National Aeronaval Service (Senan), and the National Migration Service (SNM) left the Nicanor airport, in Darién, at the launch of “OperationChocó” which is part of the “Shield” campaign which seeks to combat the actions of international and national organized crime against irregular migrants.

The Panamanian authorities assured that “Darién is not a route” and that a large number of people have died when they entered the jungle “deceived by members of these groups. They are told that the crossing through the Darién plug will take two days, since it takes much longer, they end up in the middle of the jungle without food.

Since 2009, some 600,000 irregular migrants have passed through Panamanian territory, 40% of them are minors.

The director of the SNM, Samira Gonzaine, said t Friday, June 2, that they will impose fines of $1,000 for those who enter the country irregularly through the trails of the Darién province. She added that no date has been set but the measure will be implemented.