New Business Trial ends – Judge has 30 days to rule


At around 2:40 pm on  Friday, June 2, the Second Liquidator Judge of Criminal Cases, Baloisa Marquínez, closed the trial hearing for the New Business money laundering case followed by 15 defendants for the purchase of  Editor Panama America (Epasa)  in 2010.

Marquínez accepted the term of law (30 days) to issue the sentence that corresponds by the law in the criminal case.

During the day, the final arguments of the remaining five defense attorneys were developed.

On Thursday the Public Ministry requested the maximum sentence of 12 years in prison, for 13 defendants in the case including former President Ricardo Martinelli, for being the perpetrators of the crime of money laundering. In addition, an additional six years for aggravating circumstances was requested along with the acquittal of two others.