OPINION: University reign of terror

The description that a contender has made about the recent elections in which the rector of the National Autonomous University of Chiriquí (Unachi) was re-elected is the closest thing to the regime of terror and plays alive that a former rector of another university (the of Panama), who arranged appointments and promotions prior to the elections in which he participated. The current rector of Unachi seems to have learned the lessons of baseness – with an outstanding note – judging by the methods used in these elections. With a salary that doubles that of the President of the Republic, he has implanted in the Unachi an atmosphere of a club, a cheap bar, in which the priority is not the education of the students, but rather to satisfy their desire for figuration and the management of a budget of almost $100 million per year, much higher than that of entities such as the Ombudsman’s Office, the Administration Attorney’s Office, public hospitals and even various ministries. The sum of power, money, and greed results in officials like this rector, who behaves like the most rancid politician in the country. The downside is that her nefarious practices can be emulated. Wherever you look, this lady is the worst example for our youth.- LA PRENSA, May 7.