Nearly 30,000 expired products found on store shelves


The Consumer Protection Authority (Acodeco) reported that it has detected a large number of expired products for sale in different commercial premises nationwide, during the verifications carried out in recent weeks.

According to the entity, during the first quarter of 2023, about 29,013 expired products were detected.

According to preliminary reports from the regional administrations of Acodeco and the Verification Department, in the month of April more than 8,500 of these products were withdrawn and only in the province of Panama Oeste 3,206 were seized in two days.

The items were found for sale to the public in different commercial establishments such as supermarkets, convenience stores, and restaurants. They warn businesses that, if they continue to commit this type of anomaly, they will be penalized according to the seriousness of the offense and recidivism.

Acodeco recommends that consumers carefully check the labels of these products and the expiration date before purchasing them. These must be visible, without signs of erasures or erasures, and even have another date on top.

Other recommendations are:                                                                                                                                               – Avoid purchasing those that are deteriorated, rusty, or beaten. -Try to buy those with the latest expiration date, – Check the offers and promotions on food products, frequently 2 for 1 generally one of the two is close to expiring or has already expired.