Dialysis patients hold nationwide protests


At the Social Security Fund (CSS) Hospital Complex, patients said they were not informed about the equipment to be purchased, that it belongs to a Chinese company and is not even in the top 25 best suppliers.

They fear that the machines will not perform and this will affect the patients.

“ For us, our dialysis is our life,” stressed Nadiusca Rodríguez.

Meanwhile, another group gathered in front of the Rafael Estévez Hospital, in the district of Aguadulce, province of Coclé .

They ask the CSS to hold a new tender for the hiring of machines that patients must use, which are more than 265 people.

Bolívar Márquez, president of this group of patients, said that the demonstrations are nationwide because there are no agreements with the CSS for the public tender that was not consulted.

He stressed that only one company participated, and there was no transparency or competition.

According to Márquez, the chosen company is unknown to most of the patients.

He added that they are still waiting for the supplies that many of the patients with kidney failure need.

Ombudsman, Eduardo Leblanc , consulted this Monday in AM News on this issue, said that they are analyzing the document to issue their recommendation to the CSS and to patients, mainly due to the matter of preserving health, to that patients do not suffer and that there are quality medicines and supplies.