OPINION: Robbery of state assets continues with impunity


The Law of the National Land Administration Authority (Anati) urgently needs –before the scoundrels take over the country– a modification to put an end to the trafficking of national lands, which, as we have witnessed, has served to politicians and officials appropriate state assets, because paying $6 per hectare is a clear robbery of the national patrimony. The worst thing is that there are Anati officials –such as the institution’s general secretary– who are very satisfied with the situation and even defend these awards that are nothing more than dispossession. Anati is clearly a focus of corruption and its hierarchy should be held personally and criminally responsible for any impairment of the State due to its negligence or influence peddling that reigns in that place. It’s enough that Panamanians are victims of the voracity and greed of unscrupulous officials who only think of filling their pockets, robbing us as they do: in full view of all and with absolute impunity. Hopefully, there are legislative initiatives that end this dispossession and that can be approved, despite the fact that among them there are beneficiaries of the current law  – LA PRENSA, Apr. 13.