Former president Torrijos calls for unity and decency

“Unity and decency “  were the themes of an address by former president Martin Torrijos at the Extraordinary National Congress, held by the Popular Party in Panama City on Saturday, March 25.

“It is Panama that summons us, it is the Panamanian families that demand effort, work, commitment and patriotism from us In addition, I express that all the political, social, cultural, and economic forces are needed, with the same channel, a rebirth, with hope, with real changes and with a future more in line with their efforts.

Torrijos affirmed that for the 2024 elections, it is a crucial appointment. “We will go to it with the certainty that a new stage will begin there, solidarity and detachment, with transparency and principles (…) a new policy that generates confidence and optimism.”

The former president stressed that with the Popular Party, the hope of all Panamanians will be recovered. “We are going with optimism, with our people, and with all the social forces to recover our Panama.”