Results matter not the number of loans  – IDB


The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) wrapped up its annual meeting of governors, in Panama City on Sunday stressing the importance of placing the impact of the development of the region as the center of their work.

 “The number of loans they approve is not important to them, but to have concrete results for the region,” said the president of the IDB, Ilan Goldfajn in a press conference.

 “We care about jobs, getting people out of poverty, reducing inequality. These are the indicators that matter to us because they are effective for the good development of the region”

They also addressed issues on results related to food security, health, education, poverty, social inequality, climate change, infrastructure, and biodiversity, among other topics. They stressed the importance of strengthening regional integration and joint work with the private sector, the public sector, and civil society is important because there is a great demand for resources, especially during climate change.

Goldfajn said that the new administration will seek to maintain a general approach with a view to strengthening good governance with greater impacts and projects for the region,.

The IDB president announced that the governors proposed a capitalization model for IDB Invest, which is in charge of promoting and supporting the development of the private sector and capital markets in their countries so that it has a greater impact in the region.