New statement on  theft of 20,000 fentanyl vials


Caja de Seguro Social (CSS) issued a new statement on Saturday, March 18, in relation to the case of the theft of thousands of fentanyl vials that belonged to the institution.

The Fund reiterated that after receiving the reports on “abnormal” situations in the facilities of the hospital complex, a formal complaint was filed with the Public Ministry (MP) and that, in addition, a medical audit and another administrative audit were ordered.

“Simultaneously, within the institution, administrative measures were ordered in accordance with the Internal Staff Regulations of the institution and in compliance with due process,” it was indicated.

Among the measures adopted is the rotation of pharmacy staff and the operating room. This, “in order to initiate the respective audits and guarantee the assurance of the evidence,” detailed the letter Saturday.

In other words, the CSS confirmed that the provisions adopted did not include dismissals from the entity’s personnel.

The statement was made and is also related to the theft of at least 20,000 vials of fentanyl at the CSS.

“We have an inspection and control system that is always active” in the event of any abnormal situation, said the director of the institution, Enrique Lau Cortés, in the statement on Friday, March 17.