OPINION: Social Security hits new low


When you think that the Social Security Fund (CSS) has hit bottom, it turns out that no, the hole is much deeper. Now we have learned of the theft of 10,000 doses of fentanyl, an extremely dangerous opioid due to the ease of causing an overdose – which usually causes death – as well as for being highly addictive. The CSS not only has financial problems, surgical delays, drug shortages, technology, and maintenance of equipment and facilities. We also found out – not without the reluctance of the general director – of this theft, which reflects intolerable irresponsibility for the disappearance of a synthetic opioid that at this moment may be circulating on the black market of drugs and with the possibility that whoever consumes it has dire consequences. With the problems the CEO has racked up, this must be the pinnacle of his mistakes. And if one of his predecessors in the office went to jail for diethylene glycol, why wouldn’t he be responsible for this event? The President of the Republic must demand the immediate resignation of the director of the CSS. For much less and for less serious reasons, others have already left. LA PRENSA, Mar. 17.

SEE ALSO.- Missing opiod 50 times stronger