A simple request denied


A simple request for information, submitted to the Ministry of the Interior, the General Comptroller’s Office, and the Public Ministry, among other entities, on people who hold public office and who have final and enforceable sentences, has not been answered, despite the fact that these entities they are obliged –constitutionally and legally– to respond to this type of consultation. The Administration Attorney’s Office has had to intervene so that at least the Public Ministry is interested in obtaining the information since in this country many officials do not care about their fellow citizens. The problem with not responding is that the interested parties may suspect that there are officials who, having been convicted, are still at large and working in the State, despite the fact that their sentences may include temporary disqualification from holding public office. They can also deduce complicity on the part of these entities to prevent these subjects from going to jail. And this is how the distrust in the institutionality, in its officials, and in its willingness to enforce the law is born. What a brave example they have given us! – LA PRENSA, Mar. 11. 

SEE ALLSO: The odyssey of tracking down