Incompetence & corruption scares away investors

The way of doing business in Panama, especially with people from the Government, is a shame because what is in the background would be the purest and absolute corruption, without the control organisms intervening, becoming accomplices of acts that are now the subject of complaints, such as the case of a shipping company that initially announced that it will stop sailing from Panama (home port) as of 2024, since -among other impositions- they would be forcing this and many other companies to stock up on fuel from a single company and with ties to a pro-government deputy. That is, they have imposed a monopoly, with a well-connected company in the government. It is because of situations like this that we now have a tremendous reputation problem, scaring away investors and sabotaging business opportunities, as if we were swimming in money and jobs. Nothing of what this government does is free from suspicions of corruption and the president is, of all, responsible, since he has ceded his functions or has forgotten about them. Improvisation, I care little, the absence of leadership and incompetence will lead this country to total ruin – LA PRENSA, Mar. 12.