OPINION: A face without makeup


The President of the Republic admitted that his government “has wanted to do more”, but that the pandemic caused revenue to drop by almost $4.5 billion in two years. What the president did not say is that when you look at the budgets of those years you can see that –against all good judgment– all expenses increased each year, particularly that of official payrolls, which grew like never before; wages have even been paid by borrowing. It’s the lousy execution by incompetent officials that has us up against the wall. The president asked to focus on work in the 17 months that remain in his administration, but what did they do in the 43 months that have elapsed? Although the pandemic slowed down the economy, what we see is more of a standstill that, as has been said, It is the responsibility of the ineptitude of the president’s work team, who has refused to change it. This call to work is only to create mirages and show a pretty face in 2024. But we already saw the face without makeup of the Government… and it is not pretty at all – LA PRENSA, Feb. 5