Special treatment for confessed criminals


Where are the confessed criminals who arrived in the country last Wednesday from the US to answer for other charges pending here? No one, except a privileged few, have been able to see them, thanks to the secrecy of the Judiciary, which has given them a treatment that is far from that given to a criminal without political influence. What makes them so special, when one day after their arrival no one knows the whereabouts of these subjects? The treatment they have received is so special that the Judicial Branch sent officials – at that time of night, when they both arrived in the country – to notify them of their pending cases, a procedure that they had to comply with at the headquarters of the court that has their criminal cases. Does anyone have doubts about how crooked justice is in Panama? Does anyone believe that the Government does not cultivate dubious friendships, even criminals? The theater set up on Wednesday and yesterday was not spontaneous. Every act and detail was carefully planned and carried out to the letter. The protagonists of this story may not share the colors of their flags, but they certainly have the same DNA and run the same blood. LA PRENSA, Jan.  27