The US will name others involved in corruption

Following the naming of former president Ricardo Martinelli as corrupt, the government of the United States indicated that other individuals involved in cases or actions of corruption in Panama will be named, although they did not specify exact dates of when they will do so.
The information was released in a statement from the United States Embassy in Panama, where they quoted Ambassador Mari Carmen Aponte.
“ I know how concerned Panamanians are about corruption and fighting it is one of our priorities as an embassy because corruption undermines the well-being of the population, the economy, and democracy (…) This will not be our last naming in Panama .”
The statements were made in the middle of the statement through which the administration of President Joe Biden attacked former President Ricardo Martinell and affirmed:” that he is involved in acts of significant corruption .”
The highest-ranking official in President Joe Biden’s administration also asserted that: ” Specifically, Martinelli accepted bribes in exchange for improperly awarding government contracts during his tenure as president. These section 7031(c) designations make Martinelli and members of his immediate family, ineligible to enter the United States .”
According to a statement from the US Embassy in Panama, Blinken’s decision ” is made pursuant to Section 7031 of the Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Act of the Department of State of 2023, which establishes that Officials and former officials of foreign governments about whom the Secretary of State has credible information of direct or indirect involvement in acts of significant corruption or flagrant violations of human rights, are not eligible to enter the United States, nor are their immediate families. “
In rich – out richer
Ricardo Martinelli governed Panama between 2009 and 2014 in alliance with former president Juan Carlos Varela (2014 – 2019) He came to power through the Cambio Democrático party (CD) presented at that time as a vote of citizens fed up with traditional politicians (PRD) and Panameñismo who alternated power from 1989 when democracy returned to Panama after the fall of the military dictatorship.
Martinelli, a businessman linked mainly to the import business and owner of a large supermarket chain campaigned by questioning traditional politicians and made famous the phrase “People come in poor and come out millionaires”