Independent  movement reacts to US move on ex-president


The Independent Movement for Panama (Movin) reacted with a statement to the announcement by the United States government with former President Ricardo Martinelli designated on the list of corrupt actors.

Movin demands that justice in Panama do “its job and guarantee Panamanians that those who abuse power have no place in the political landscape in the short term or in the future and that they establish exemplary measures of certainty of punishment.”

“This designation puts pressure on our justice system to carry out the work entrusted to it by the Constitution, investigate and convict all the people who abused their political power for personal gain,” Movin said.

“The Judicial Branch and the Public Ministry have several cases, including Blue Apple, Odebrecht, and New Business, in which people involved have already confessed and demonstrated how a government turned public duty into a corruption machine to enrich itself and weaken the institutional framework. of our country,” Movin said.

It also indicated that “both in the statement from the Department of State and the one from the United States Embassy in our country, the risk that corruption represents for democracy and the search for the rule of law is highlighted. Corruption causes harm to the public interest, impedes the economic prosperity of countries, and limits the ability of governments to respond effectively to the needs of their population.”