High winds alert for the weekend


The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) has reported an increase in winds due to the passage of a cold front.

The areas with maximum surveillance are Bocas del Toro, the Ngäbe-Buglé region, Chiriquí, Los Santos, Herrera, Coclé, Colón, Panama West, Panama, Guna Yala, and the mountainous areas of the country.

During Friday, January 13, the incursion of gusts of winds with speeds of up to 40 km/h in maritime areas and 30 km/h in sectors of Colón, Guna Yala, Panama, Panama, Panama West, Coclé, Herrera, Los Santos, and mountainous areas, according to a surveillance notice from the Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology.

For January 14 and 15, wind speeds of up to 50 km/h are forecast in maritime areas and the rest of the country with possible gusts of winds up to 80 km/h, mainly in mountainous areas.