Woman driver dies on  Panama’s Cinta Costera


The Public Ministry and the National Police are conducting investigations into a traffic accident at  11 pm  Saturday night on the Cinta Costera that claimed the life of a woman.

The driver Kerenly Hernández, 19, was traveling in a white Toyota Fortuner van, which was destroyed as a result of the strong impact. “The Public Ministry is carrying out the corresponding investigations to determine what were the causes that caused the driver to lose control, crossing all the lanes of this road, colliding with the railing and column of the elevated bridge that is in the place,” said a police spokesman.

The National Police reiterated the recommendation to drivers to respect speed limits, not use cell phones while driving, and be prudent.

The latest traffic report released in the morning hours of this Sunday revealed that in the last 24 hours, 73 accidents were attended to, leaving a balance of 18 people injured and 1 fatality.