Remains of victim of US invasion found in mass grave handed to family


The remains of Ismael Enrique Dorcy Segura, the first positive identified by DNA among the bodies of the victims of the invasion exhumed in the Peace Garden, were handed over to his relatives on Thursday, January 5.

The delivery was made at the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Imelcf), in the presence of relatives and the president of the December 20 Commission, Rolando Murgas Torraza.

The president of the commission said that they will continue with the recognition work of other remains.

Murgas Torraza stressed the importance of this fact, for a family that has carried this pain for 33 years.

Meanwhile, they will continue with the support of the Public Ministry and the Imelcf, for which reason it requests that there be more budgetary resources.

Prosecutor César Pereira indicated that other cases remain to be resolved and efforts are being made to continue identifying other victims.

The case for the disappearance of Dorcy Segura was reopened in January 2019 by the Public Ministry of Panama, at the request of the Commission on December 20, 1989.

As reported at the time, Ismael arrived from Penonomé at his grandmother’s house located on Calle 19 west of El Chorrillo on the night of December 19, 1989, had dinner, and then went out into the street and where he met his sister and a neighbor, who were the last people to see him alive, minutes before the invasion began.

At the time of his disappearance, Ismael Enrique Dorcy Segura was 32 years old and the father of a 7-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl.