Woman fired from Presidency on Christmas Eve after lynx  incident


An official who had worked at the Ministry of the Presidency for 17 years was fired on Christmas Eve after an incident with lynx agents of the National Police circulated on social networks.

According to the video, this official was one of the two people who intervened in a police action related to an alleged discovery of drugs, which took place in urbanization in eastern Panama. The video shows the screams and expletives of the couple against the police officers.

“I work in the Presidency with Vice President [José Gabriel] Carrizo.] I’ll call you,” the visibly upset woman is heard saying.

“The lady who appears in the filming joined the Ministry of the Presidency more than 17 years ago and worked in the kitchen section,” says the information from the General Directorate of Communication of the Presidency.

“The worker is not known to the Vice President of the Republic and also has not maintained any direct relationship with the Minister of the Presidency, José Gabriel Carrizo”, indicates a bulletin issued on the subject.

The Presidency also states that “neither in the Government nor in the country can anyone consider that they are above what the law mandates.”

The National Government reiterates to the country that no one is above the Law and makes public that the pertinent investigations are being carried out to clarify the incident with Units of the “Lince” Motorized Police Service

The National Bar Association stated that “being a lawyer does not give the right to disrespect or use language that is not appropriate for a professional.” For this reason, the union made a call to try to carry out their work “with respect and commitment.”