The president’s exotic Christmas gift to below-par comptroller
As if it were an exotic Christmas gift, the President of the Republic sanctioned a bill that will cause more harm than good and that, in short, opens the doors to more corruption than the one we now suffer. The comptroller was present at the act to sanction the new law, an official who has proven to be less than zero in the position; with him were other deputies who have only worsened the institutionality of the Panamanian State. According to recent former comptrollers, this law has killed the Comptroller, since the depth of what was approved is probably the hardest blow that not only the institution, but the State has suffered. The bill is so aberrational that magistrates from the Court of Accounts went to the Assembly to oppose it, but no one paid attention to them. And the president gave him his support when he should have vetoed it, because in the opinion of local lawyers, what was approved is unconstitutional. There is no doubt that the party in power is obsessed with the absolute destruction of what little we have left of institutions. – LA PRENSA, Dec.24.