Street people a life project for Panama Mayor


An investigation in this medium has brought out from the depths of oblivion the drama experienced by hundreds of people who live on the streets, although from time to time they find charitable souls who give them shelter and food.

These are people who suffer the neglect of their families, the indifference of local governments, and the abandonment of the State. They are Panamanians exiled from society, despite the fact that they yearn to be part of it once again, but they need the help that the State or the mayors can provide. Their stories expose our worst flaws as a society: family breakdown, indolence, and lack of empathy and solidarity. Their moving stories reflect those errors that the community prefers to bury, unworthy of the government gaze, and that says a lot about what we need. Treating these destitute as humans, who lost their dignity through vice and unsatisfied needs, can be a life project for the Mayor of Panama or a country project for the Government. To ignore the reality of these Panamanians is to leave them to their fate; Fortunately, it is precisely in our hands to change, if we do more and promise less. – LA PRENSA, Nov. 24.