A country plunged into chaos


The country seems to be plunged into chaos, a product of the lack of institutions, certainty of punishment, and political leadership. The situations that we have experienced in recent days (explosions and fires in buildings, with dozens of people affected, as well as injuries, unfortunate incidents in the patriotic parades, even, after these, such as the one that occurred in a disco), to which they add the lack of justification and explanations about the economic aid of the Ifarhu; the mining contract, for which no one accounts for the new negotiations; the unjustified increase in the State payroll; the problems of the Social Security Fund, etc. It is a chain of events that makes us wonder where the country is going, and what our future will be. And it is that here no official feels alluded to or gives explanations. The Public Ministry and the Comptroller seem oblivious to their duties; the National Assembly is the new Executive power, disposing of funds and approving laws that only serve their re-election interests. It is time to stop and reflect on what we want as a society or this country will end its days as the private estate of a few politicians who only care about keeping their pockets full of money. – LA PRENSA, Nov. 8.