Preventive detention for driver facing triple manslaughter charges

The precautionary measure of provisional detention was issued by the Judge of Guarantees, Gloria González, to a 55-year-old citizen, charged with the manslaughter of three people.

The arrest arises from the  traffic accident recorded on October 13 on Forestal road, near the  Police Academy  (Acapol), an event where three people died, including a minor

The incident occurred between a taxi that was heading to the center of  Chilibre and a truck that was traveling in the opposite direction The vehicles collided head-on, according to Deputy Police Commissioner Emiliano Otero.

The three victims were traveling in the taxi, two of them died in the hospital, while their  8-year-old  daughter died at the scene. In addition, three people were injured.

The Private Technical Defender announced an appeal against the precautionary measure and, the hearing is scheduled for October 20, before the Superior Court of Appeals, located in Plaza Fortuna.

The Judge of Guarantees, after hearing the arguments of the intervening parties, legalized the arrest, considered the filing of charges filed by the Public Ministry as presented, and based the decision to apply the precautionary measure of provisional detention, considering it necessary and proportional to the nature of the facts.