28 arrested in four province drug sweep


The Drug and Illicit Association Prosecutor of the Attorney General’s Office (PGN) with the support of the National Police apprehended some 28 suspects with the operations Arcángel and Water in the provinces of Los Santos, Herrera, Coclé, and Chiriquí, including two alleged ringleaders.

With the Arcángel operation they dismantled a group to which they attribute crimes of illicit association to commit crimes, robbery, theft, and drug-related. In total, they captured 17 suspects, between the provinces of Herrera and Coclé.

While with the Water operation they dismantled a criminal structure dedicated to the custody and distribution of drugs, through vessels coming from Colombia to Panama. The security forces apprehended some 11 suspects, including “Patrón” and “Viejo”, presumed leaders.