Murdered for 50 cents while politicians party and plunder


The tragedy that Panamanian society is suffering is reflected in the murder of a chef who, boarding the bus that would take him home last May, was warned by the driver that he would have to pay more than what is usually charged, according to the unilaterally set rate.

The man refused to agree to the abuse and the defiance cost him a beating that first took him to the hospital and finally, turned into a vegetable, he ended his days in his house.

Victim and victimizer, people who contributed to their respective homes, will end up in a grave and in jail. The incident is the explosion of a pressure cooker, in which the precarious economic situation of hundreds of thousands of Panamanians were mixed; the intolerance caused by a city extraordinarily chaotic in many ways; by the anarchy derived from the lack of morale of the authorities to impose sanctions.

This is how thousands of homes are, where every penny counts, while, on the other side, politicians throw thousands of dollars at banquets, parties, trips and theft of state resources. The tragedy marks two families for 50 cents, sealed by a Government incapable of providing conditions for a decent life for its citizens. – LA PRENSA, Oct. 5.