Call for dismissal of case against Martinelli company

On Tuesday, September 27, the twelfth  day of the Odebrecht preliminary hearing, the arguments of the defense lawyers continued with a unified theme ” the prosecution has not been able to prove the crime “,  my client did not know that he was involved illicit money ” or “ the Odebrecht company enjoyed a good reputation ” reports TVN.

This is part of the strategy that seeks to dismantle the theory of the case presented by the team of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, which has defended its position by reiterating that the file is strengthened, the links of the accused were made, and they have proven the punishable act, for what they trust the call to judgment.

The lawyer Alma Cortés, defense attorney for the company Importadora Ricamar SA, requested the definitive dismissal of the company, making a brief historical review since its foundation in 1961, asserting that its activities are completely legal and generates more than 7 thousand direct jobs, acquired by Ricardo Martinelli in 1986.

She said that it strikes her that the Public Ministry did not bother to review and explain what the Law provides about what a legal person is.

Cortés pointed out that, if he were to reach the Presidency in 2024, Ricardo Martinelli would reform the terms of the prescription of crimes that cannot be left to the discretion of the courts but must be something automatic