Police chief stays mum on girl’s disappearance

The director of the National Police, John Dornheim, stressed that the investigations into the  10-day disappearance of the nine-year-old girl Aderlyn Llerena are progressing, but,   to protect confidentiality he cannot reveal details.

“In order not to harm the investigations, I prefer not to delve into details, because it is a very sensitive issue,” the official stressed.

He said that, at the time, together with the Public Ministry they will release those details.

Earlier, the Minister of Security, Juan Manuel Pino, stressed that they remain in support of the expertise carried out by the Public Ministry, in relation to the disappearance and search for the girl Aderlyn Mailenis Llerena Saldaña.

Thursday marked the 10th day of the disappearance of the minor, whose search has spread throughout the country.