Erratic Electoral Tribunal decisions bear consequences


Upon learning the details of the ruling issued by the Supreme Court of Justice on the decision of two magistrates of the Electoral Court (TE) to recognize the alleged existence of the principle of specialty to one of the defendants in the Odebrecht case, it was clear, and so They sentence that these two officials exceeded their functions, since this matter is not within their competence. And the truth be told crudely: two fingers of forehead would have been enough to reach the obvious conclusion reached by the Supreme Court. The two magistrates of the TE must now face the consequences of their actions, since it is very likely that this will not remain in the simple notification of the ruling. The first to defend before the Court the absurd criteria put forward by the two magistrates of the TE were the lawyers of the conspicuous defendant in the Odebrecht case. Here we understand that, for this stark defense, they charge good fees, but in the case of the TE magistrates, it is inexplicable that they have decided to stain their resume in that way. To make matters worse, in another similar case followed by this same defendant, the TE had no qualms about suspending the jurisdiction, without mentioning a word of the principle of specialty. So, what accounts for the erratic nature of his decisions? – LA PRENSA.  Sep.  17.