The enslaving yoke of corruption

The issue of corruption at the single dialogue table is one of the most urgent and also one of the most difficult, but with the seriousness that not even those groups have been invited who, being aware that this issue is the root of the majority of the ills that the country suffers, have presented legislative initiatives to create options to deal with this problem. The absence of organized civil society when corruption is discussed is incomprehensible. Once again, the participants at the dialogue table seem determined to be the only ones who have the absolute truth or the only ones who can discuss these issues. Corruption has reached the heart of society and seems to be taking root, so its analysis should not be exclusive to one, two or three groups, when the entire social group and every fiber of society is affected. The participants at the table in Penonomé must be flexible to allow other sectors – made up of Panamanians with good intentions, like presumably all those who are sitting there – to participate in order to analyze in depth and reach consensus that will allow our country to free itself from the enslaving yoke of corruption. LA PRENSA. Aug. 18.