Time for former president to prove his honesty
Former President Martinelli has taken legal action in order not only to hinder but also to prevent the General Directorate of Revenue (DGI) from carrying out a tax investigation in companies belonging to his family group. Thus, Martinelli strengthens the doubts and suspicions that, as the FBI has warned, even one of his employees, the operations of his companies keep secrets that he desperately wants to cover up with legal resources. Instead of there being an official pronouncement on the alleged good tax management in his companies, he intends to silence, prevent, when he, personally, has done nothing for years but complain about tax evasion. Well, it is his turn to prove that he is honest and diligent in handling his business. If he intends to become president again, he should leave no trace of doubt. The threats to the media and journalists, even to DGI officials, only fan suspicions and strengthen the idea that their businesses served not only what is suspected, but is also amalgamated with accusations of money laundering, with dirty money of Odebrecht. It’s time to leave the talk and prove with irrefutable facts that he is the honest operator he claims to be. LA PRENSA, Aug.8.