The shameful gluttony of the National Assembly


Addressing the eternal shamelessness of deputies is overwhelming and already seems boring. The problem is that every day that impudence escalates to unsuspected heights, like now, when we found out that the $143.9 million cupcake that was their budget for this year, was not enough to satisfy the voracity of these gluttons. They have achieved that in the most pressing moments we live in, the government granted them an increase in their budget, which so far this year has already climbed to $200.4 million. And no less than 90% of this money is thrown into that bottomless pit called “operation”, where corruption germinates, grows, flourishes, and is engendered. And once again, we remain on that issue that the deputies do not care about. It seems that the intention is precise to bore us with so many abuses and pretend that this is part of our landscape; let no one be surprised that they stole 2 or 3 or 10 or 30 million dollars; convince us that committing a crime is part of the profile of a deputy and that, the more he does it, the more prestige, and thus even lead a political party. Will they manage to bore us to the point of achieving our total indifference?  – LA PRENSA, Aug. 5.