Transporters strike put on hold


A  planned stoppage by land freight transport unions, set to start Wednesday, July 27 to demand the opening of the roads,  has been suspended but the National Coordinator of Containerized Cargo Transportation warned that they will remain vigilant, evaluating the national situation to determine the new actions to be taken.

The union added that they seek to guarantee the safety of collaborators, colleagues, work teams, and cargo that is transported.

In  an earlier, statement announcing the stoppage, land cargo carriers demanded that the Government free movement through the country’s roads.

They pointed out that as a result of the closures dozens of containers had remained in the Colon Free Zone and the ports, causing additional costs for storage, in addition to losses due to being trapped in a dam, costs that are approximately estimated at one million dollars. daily.

The land freight transport unions had indicated that there should be a firm commitment on the part of the Government to immediately attend to the points presented at the dialogue table, although they warned that they were not represented at the table.