All private vehicles will benefit from fuel subsidy

All owners of private vehicles, regardless of the brand, cost, or year of the car, will benefit from the fuel subsidy, Luis Oliva, administrator of the Authority for Government Innovation, told Telemetro Reporta on Thursday.

Oliva said that the only requirement that will be requested from owners of private cars is that they have their vehicle registration up to date.

To access the benefit, the owner of the vehicle must enter the platform to validate the following data: license plate number, identification number, and year of the vehicle.

The platform will be available from this Thursday, July 14 at 6:00 am, but the benefit will be valid from 12:01 am on Friday, July 15.

” It is not a record to be able to access this subsidy, it is simply an activation to carry out controls and make payments to the oil companies,” Oliva said.

” There is no limit to the number of times that they will be able to use it, nor is there a limit at the

Through the resolution, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) is authorized to carry out the procedures and budgetary actions that are necessary to temporarily stabilize the price per gallon at B/.3.95 or its equivalent of $1.043 per liter of 95 and 91 octane gasoline, and low sulfur diesel.

The announcement of the fuel subsidy for private vehicles took place in the midst of an indefinite strike and demonstrations at the national level, for 10 days, by teachers and various sectors to demand concrete answers from the National Government related to the cost of fuel and the basic food basket.

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