Active covid cases near 5,000 in Metro region

The Metropolitan Health Region reports that seven districts have at least 300 active cases of covid-19 and, in the capital city, the figure totals 4,870.
“There has been a relaxation in compliance with biosafety measures and an overconfidence in the vaccine,” said the regional director of Health, Israel Cedeño, and emphasized that there are those who think that just because they are vaccinated they will only get a mild cold.
Last week, the metropolitan region reported that the number of active cases that were counted was 4,591.
The data indicates that the districts with the most active cases are San Francisco, with 816; Bella Vista, 664; Juan Diaz, 643; Bethany, 573; Tocumen, 466; Don Bosco, 386, and Parque Lefevre, 322.
The first three districts were the ones that registered the most infections at the national level in the report of the Ministry of Health last Wednesday, June 8.
Cedeño said that schools are not a source of significant contagion and that although they continue to have outbreaks in many schools when doing the investigation they have detected that the majority of people have been infected in the community and not on campus.
“Yes, there have been outbreaks, but the magnitude has not been enough to define that it is because of the classes that we have daily cases of more than 3,000,” he pointed out.