OPINION: Stadiums before Cancer


The new National Cancer Institute is a pressing need. The current one, in addition to being old, lacks space for patients and contemporary technological facilities. But its construction has been going around for more than 10 years, which has notably increased its cost, despite the fact that, contrary to other hospital centers, this is not a whim, but a real urgency. Governments have earmarked hundreds of millions of dollars for stadiums, sports leagues, payroll, subsidies, car rentals, banquets, travel and other luxuries. That money would have served to save lives, but since the friends of power have unlimited state funds to go to Cuba or Houston to receive treatment, it does not matter that in Panama the most needy people die due to lack of equipment, qualified personnel or medicines. The relatives are guaranteed the use of discretionary items to save their existence; the rest, we depend on luck. This government cannot continue postponing this work, which is more necessary than a badly done stretch of highway. Please be human for once in your life. – LA PRENSA, Jun. 4