Begging returns to Panama streets


The corners, sidewalks, streets, and traffic lights have once again become the scene of people seeking sustenance from the mercy and generosity of people who still have jobs. Tens of thousands of Panamanians – as a result of the restrictive measures imposed by the Government due to the pandemic – have lost their jobs and, although the economy shows signs of recovery, the truth is that the pace of producing jobs is and will be slow.

The lack of initiative and the lack of imagination and creativity of the Government only creates distrust, aggravated by the sordid and rampant corruption that drives away local and foreign private investment, a situation that sooner or later will be unsustainable, since the only thing that occurs to the politicians is to swell the state payroll without, in return, the benefits of having human resources that can deal with the country’s problems are received.

Begging has returned to our streets –something that was rarely seen–; people of productive age were left with no options, except to resort to solidarity in the hope of bringing food home. The solution is not the subsidy or the bags of food. That is creating dependency. The solution is to attract investment to provide them with decent employment. – LA PRENSA, May 30.